Home Remedies To Get Rid of Bad Breath in Dogs

Bad breath in dogs

Bath breath in dogs may be caused due to poor dental hygiene. Similar to humans, when there is no proper cleaning routine tartar buildup will accumulate in your dog’s teeth leading to gum disease, periodontal disease, or other dental issues. In addition, some health issues like diabetes, liver failure, kidney disease, etc. can also manifest with unpleasant breath smells. 

In this article, we explore natural remedies to keep your dog’s mouth healthy and smelling fresh.

Natural Ingredients to Cure Bad Dog Breath 

1. Veggie Slices (Carrots, Apples, or Celery)

celery and carrots

Crunchy veggies will help scrape away the buildup of plaque and protect your dog’s teeth and gums. Give them a slice of frozen veggies as a treat.

2. Parsley


Parsley contains chlorophyll in the leaves, which helps eliminate unpleasant smells. Chop the parsley leaves and add them to your dog’s food.

3. Green tea

green tea leaves

Similarly to parsley, green tea leaves also contain chlorophyll. You can add decaf green tea infusion to your dog’s food. 

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains malic and acetic acids which eliminate the bacteria responsible for bad breath. It is also high in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Just add one teaspoon to your dog’s water bowl. 

5. Lemon Juice


Lemon works similarly to apple cider vinegar by killing the bacteria responsible for bad breath. Add a few lemon drops into the water bowl. 

6. Probiotics (Yogurt, Kefir, or Goat milk)


Probiotics help eliminate the bad breath bacteria when eaten regularly in your dog’s diet. Yogurt, kefir, or goat milk can be also used to make delicious and nutritious treats for your pup. 

7. Coconut Oil

coconut oil

Coconut has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that will help combat bad breath. You can add some coconut oil to your dog’s food, make treats, or use it as toothpaste. 

8. Fresh Mint

Fresh mint for bad dog breath

Mint prevents acid reflux and stops bacteria from reaching the mouth. It also promotes digestion and reduces inflammation. Cut small pieces of fresh mint and sprinkle them on your dog’s food. 

Dog Dental Treats Recipes

Here are four homemade dental treats that my dog loves. These recipes use some of the ingredients mentioned earlier. We’ve included two simple options as well as more elaborate ones for pet parents who want to show off their furry friend’s treats on social media. 🤭 

Recipe 1: Freeze ‘n’ Crunch Bites 🥜🍎


  • 1 tbsp of peanut butter with apple
  • 1 cup of water
  • Pumpkin puree
  • Goat milk made with organic parsley


Mix 1 tablespoon of the peanut butter made with apples with 1 cup of warm water to thin it out. Spread a thin layer of this mixture on a silicone tray. On top of this, add a small layer of pumpkin puree. Freeze the tray for an hour. Next, add goat milk made with organic parsley to the top and freeze again. Finally, pop the frozen mixture out of the tray and it’s ready to enjoy!

Recipe 2: Minty Fresh Green Delights 🍵🥥


  • Spinach
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Kefir
  • Water
  • Coconut oil


In a blender, add a little bit of spinach, mint, parsley, a splash of kefir, and some water. Blend the mixture for a few seconds. Next, put a thin layer of coconut oil in liquid form on a silicone tray. Wait for 10 minutes until it solidifies. Then, pour the blended mix into the tray until it reaches the top. Put the tray into the freezer for one hour or so. Once frozen, pop the treats out of the trays and serve them to your dog. 

Recipe 3: Peanut Butter Celery Crunchers 🥬🥜


  • Celery stick
  • Peanut butter


First, wash the celery sticks. Spread peanut butter on the celery stalks. Freeze for 3 hours to make it crunchy and extend the chewing time. Then give it to your dog.

Recipe 4: Bone Broth Carrot Chillers 🦴🥕


  • Carrots
  • Bone broth


Scrub the carrots under running water to clean them thoroughly. Soak them in bone broth for 2 hours, then freeze to extend the chewing time before serving to your pet.

What Causes Bad Breath?

  • Dental problems. The buildup of tartar, bacteria growth, and other dental problems such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, or tooth decay are the main responsible of bad breath problems. Learn how to prevent these problems and create a proper dental cleaning routine for your pup. 
  • Diets such as raw food or homecooked meals may disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the mouth and gut.   
  • Kidney disease. When the kidneys do not function properly, toxins will build up in the blood. These toxins make the breath smell like ammonia or urine. 
  • Liver disease. The liver also helps filter toxins, and similarly to kidney disease, when the liver is not working properly the toxins accumulate in the blood. In addition to bad breath, other signs include yellow skin and eyes, poor appetite, weight loss, and vomiting.  
  • Diabetes. In dogs with untreated diabetes, you can notice an acetone or sweet smell in their breath. Other symptoms include changes in appetite, weight loss, increased urination, and thirst.

Mickey’s Diary 🐶

Hoomans sometimes say that my breath is not the freshest, but that is because I love liver treats 💗 it’s not my fault. My mom said the problem could be solved with a delicious green treat. I was suspicious at the beginning, but it turns out that I like this one too.

Final Thoughts

Bad breath in dogs can be solved with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet. Include ingredients with antibacterial properties to eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath and crunchy texture to remove the tartar buildup and massage the gums.   


What is a good dog treat for bad breath?

You can easily make dental treats at home using the ingredients we mentioned in this article, such as yogurt, coconut oil, carrots, mint, parsley, etc. There are so many delicious and fun recipes that you can try to spoil your dog and promote good oral health. There are also dental treats available in the market, look for those that contain simple and limited ingredients and avoid recipes with fillers, sugars, and preservatives.

Why does my senior dog have bad breath?

Unfortunately, due to a lack of proper oral hygiene, 80% of dogs present some type of dental problem after their 3rd birthday and those dental problems may be more severe in senior pets. That may be the main reason for the bad breath in your senior pooch. However, there are also medical conditions that can cause bad breath and those may be more prevalent in senior dogs. We recommend you consult with your vet to rule out any issues.


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Katherine Ortega

Blogger and pet lover. I've been around dogs my whole life and have experience caring for all types, sizes and ages of pups. Senior dogs hold a special place in my heart 💗

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